
Greene Chapel

a fairy practice, run by a healer with a thorn

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Book Release Announcement | Hadean Press

โ€œIn humble appreciation of the gods and ungods,
Who taught me about the holiness of losing oneโ€™s head,
And to the headless one(s), of course โ€“ I dedicate this work.โ€

Archaeological traces and remnants of what has been dubbed a Celtic โ€˜cult of the headโ€™ have fascinated and puzzled scholars for many years. In The Beheading Game: Unearthing the Occult Mysteries of the Celtic Cult of the Head, Briar investigates the theurgic and thaumaturgic applications of this cult from an occult perspective. By examining the ritual significance of severed heads and headlessness in the context of what she identifies to be a broader โ€˜Beheading Gameโ€™ as it relates to the pan-Celtic Cult of the Head, she discusses how โ€˜the Celtsโ€™ saw in the head the seat of the immortal soul, drawing from academic research, atavistic experience, and acute personal gnosis to delve deep into the roles of the severed head permeating Celtic lore.

Welcome .

The Greene Chapel is an alcove of witchcraft, folk magic, spirit work and folklore. My name is Briar, and I will be your host. Here I offer a variety of services as well as occasional wares, and talk all things esoteric, theurgic and occult - sharing snippets of personal practices, ritual observances, current outlook on magical explorations, and other similar musings as seasons pass.

Counselling with a Fairy Seer

Much like a physical wound, spiritual ailments need tending.

Skilled in diagnosing and remediating otherworldly afflictions, I specialize in the facilitation of mutually beneficial and fulfilling spirit relationships, and in the mending of problematic, difficult, or haunted ones.

My primary spirit pacts and allegiances belong with the Pale Ones under the hills : I am a trained initiate in fairy doctoring โ€“ a spirit-based tradition of Irish fairy-seership, drawing from fairy power to act as a medium-link, an intercessor or ambassador between the numinous and the mundane, and perform what is primarily a healing art.


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  • Seek ye inspiration among the thorns, briars, bramble and berries; in the nectar of flowers, fruit and blood.

    Francis Ashwood

  • I will not molest the serpent, nor will the serpent molest me.

    Carmina Gadelica

  • And take the milk with the honey and drink it before the rising of the sun, and there will be something divine in your heart.


  • If you call to the Gods and they answer, who is there to oppose or to challenge the integrity of your Path ?

    Andrew D. Chumbley